Covid-19 Protocols for IACP 44*

Dear IACP Members,

We understand the concerns surrounding Covid-19. We hear your concerns and they are valid, and the safety of our members, attendees, staff, and community is of the highest importance. Below are the safety measures we have implemented to ensure the utmost safety of our membership.


  • All attendees must be fully vaccinated and must present proof of vaccination and a photo ID to receive an event pass (subject to change)

  • Masks optional

  • Sanitation stations will be available throughout the hotel and conference meeting rooms.

  • IACP 44 staff will monitor CDC guidelines as well as local mandates, changing protocols in accordance with city, state, and federal guidance.

What is Needed at Registration?

  1. All attendees will need to show a valid photo ID

  2. Vaccination card or proof of vaccination (original record, photocopy, or digital record acceptable)

We’ve done everything within our power to make IACP 44 as safe as possible. Event regulations, policies, and protocols are under constant review. We know that you will make the personal decision that is best for you and yours.

*Covid-19 protocols are subject to change